Creative Assets
I grew up in a family business that supplied button, hats, shirts, bumper stickers, etc to political candidates and labor unions. Progressive policy and the value of fairness to all is kinda in my blood. Its easy to see why I have stayed in the political realm for over 18 years as a designer, and I couldn’t be more proud.
Countless state and national campaigns ran through our doors at Tigereye Design, our family shop. From the time I could remember, I was making buttons, packing boxes, and annoyingly clinging to the artist my dad hired to create the products. Fast forward to 2006, when I took over as the creative director, and TIgereye had become the most prolific and well-respected creator of progressive ‘stuff’ in the country. And what lied ahead, nobody could have imagined.
Through our work in the midwest as official union suppliers of several senate campaigns, we got a call from a small campaign in Illinois looking to ‘possibly sell some shirts and buttons’ as they explored a possible run for president in 2008. Overnight, we transformed into Barack Obama’s designers and producers and became part of history. We did an amazing job, and my pride of being a part of one of the greatest victories for our country is something that I will keep with me always.
Since selling the company and moving with my wife to Chicago, I have stayed engaged with the political process…designing for multiple national direct mail firms in the Democratic field, making hundreds of pieces that are sent to voters all over the US. Its my hope that at least a part of what I do can contribute to the success for policies that benefit my fellow Americans.